27 August 2010

#21 - Neon Indian - Sleep Paralysist

This song is bad ass. Not ass-bad. It is the opposite of ass-bad. It is about going to sleep, I think. At least he [neon indian] says "go to sleep" a lot. It is a little dificile to make out all the words, but then again, 'in the morning this will all seem fake, so go to sleep.'

Very synthetic. Very awesome. Very recommended.


It's crazy but...

The entire time since this Christmas when I was gifted the first self-titled Crystal Castles CD, I have done nothing except appreciate Crystal Castles more and more and more. I now have both albums (both are self-titled) and both kick ass. Then there are the remixes. Most are easy enough to download, and or youtube. This band is seriously incredible. Why are you not listening to them right now?? (Kudos if you are)

Here you go:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX6aTOE32DM